Vidical is a Calendar, Christmas Card and New Year’s Eve Card Competition organized annually for almost a quarter of a century, 23 consecutive years in total. Formerly Polish-wide only, this prestigious event has gone international and is familiar to everybody whose occupation with calendars is more than occasional.

The Competition Jury consists of personages from the world of art, culture and the media. Jury make-up changes each year as we invite new judges: photographers, painters, printers, illustrators and other artists. Vidical Juries have included such names as Waldemar Świerzy (graphic artist), Andrzej Mleczko (illustrator), Jerzy Łapiński (art photographer), Franciszek Starowieyski (graphic artist), Tomasz Tomaszewski (art photographer), Szymon Kobyliński (graphic artist), Tadeusz Rolke (art photographer), Wiesław Ochman (opera singer), Xymena Zaniewska (stage designer) and several other outstanding artists (more info). Even Polish star singer Czesław Niemen was a Jury member at Vidical. You might say that Vidical is for calendar lovers and creators what Oscars are for the movie industry.

Archived works from year 2001-2005 –

2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 20042005

Works and list of winners from years – 2006-2011 –

Enjoy watching.